February 3
- CS-First Week 4: A Platform Game. This week students will build a platform game, where their sprite will land and stay on new platforms. If the Sprite leaves the platform, it will fall.
- In order to win, the Sprite must make it across all the platforms and touch another Sprite.
January 27
- CS-First Week 3: A Maze Game. This week students will create a maze game in which their Sprites will have to weave in and out of the maze. If they touch the water, the Sprite will go back to the beginning
January 20
- CS-First Week 2: A Racing Game. This week students will create a racing game in which two Sprites will race around a race track.
- Students will watch the video on the CS-First website and then complete the "Now it's Your Turn" portion of each video section by logging into the Scratch website with your CS-First username and password.
- If student needs help, they will put their sticky note up.
- Before they leave, the students will share their video with the instructor, and fill out their sticky note and leave it by the board.
January 13
- Introduction to Coding
- Students will be using Google CS First to learn how to code using Scratch
- Students are encouraged to come every week for the next 8 weeks in order to complete CS First.
December 9
- Make Smart Gloves
November 25
- Shoot Stop Motion Animation Project
- Edit Stop Motion Animation Project
November 11
Film Festival 2012
Stop Motion Animation Winner |
October 28
October 14:
- Check off finished storyboard with teacher
- Film your movie using a tripod
September 30:
- This week we will review the components of the school video announcements, and learn how to save the finished videos to your iPads and then upload them onto CSDdocs.
- We will talk about the District Film Festival and the different Categories.
- We will learn about film angles and framing.
- We will begin creating storyboards and scripts for videos.
September 16: Introduction and iMovie on the iPad
To start the year off, we will be focusing on creating videos. This week our concept will center around how to create the new school video announcements using iMovie on the iPad. The students will also learn some basic filming techniques.